Short Articles
A Wonder So Many Vote
There is much hand-wringing over the decline in voter turnout in federal elections to around 60 per cent. There shouldn’t be . The gap between what is promised voters who go to the polls and what is actually possible for voters to express is so wide that it is surprising...Posted [0 comment/s]
Why Politicans' Reforms Fail
Another election, the “premier” event in liberal democratic politics, is on the horizon. Up to 40 per cent of Canadians may sit it out while many more will “hold their nose and vote.” The public indifference and hostility to politics-as-usual is a significant factor in these low turnouts. Why does...Posted [0 comment/s]
The Truly Representative Democracy We Want
For good reason, 75 per cent of Canadians tell pollsters that we need fundamental political reform. We recognize that while Canada is a “good” country, it is held back from being even better by its alienating political system. What form should this reform take? It’s obvious!! When asked, eighty-three per cent...Posted [1 comment/s]
Democratic Advantage: Canada
There are many reasons to prefer Canadian over American citizenship. However, capping all of them is the latent ability of Canadians to move beyond the currently unrepresentative politics plaguing both countries. The US is mired in its dysfunctional system – on sad display now as its politicians wrestle with the...Posted [1 comment/s]
The case, IN BRIEF, for policy democracy based on “constituency parliaments”
For good reason, 75 per cent of Canadians tell pollsters that we need fundamental political reform. We recognize that while Canada is a “good” country, it is held back from being even better by its outdated political system. What form should this reform take? It’s obvious!! Again, 75 per cent...Posted [5 comment/s]